Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Anna Gunn is an Egomaniac

That article she wrote wasn't just to some men who hated her character, but to ALL fans who hated her character. Of course the IMDb troll known as Whatlarks still tries to make excuses for that pathetic actress who is just as insecure, vain and full of narcissistic rage as she is!

Anna Gunn's ridiculous Op-Ed was nothing more than a hilarious attempt to try to fool an audience who do make up the majority (yes, MAJORITY) of fans who hated the control freaking, one-dimensional spaz Skyler White. The "extremists" aren't those who hated her, the extremists are those who live in some warped feminist movement where anything said against a sociopathic monster like Skyler White automatically means you're a misogynist. In otherwords; they live in such delusion and spend all their time on message boards writing heaps of insane shit every day.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Troll is Pathetic in All Ways

This idiot cannot even grasp the show Breaking Bad, with its subtle nuances. Whatlarks praises a very one-dimensional character like the monster Skyler as some multitude of things while simply dismissing Walter as nothing more than a black and white evil guy who has nothing to offer but a man in a villain role. Whatlarks has not seen Breaking Bad with any common sense let alone watched it with any depth other than to slobber over its unrealistic worship of Skyler who Larks defends at the mere mention that Skyler isn't a saint of some kind.

Whatlarks even claims that because Skyler played a BIMBO that that made her a "strong woman" WTF?

Is Whatlarks for or against misogynist perceptions? That is just fucked up. Woman plays bimbo, so she's so smart and strong! Whoa. Drugs are bad, kiddies. Don't end up like Whatlarks who's no doubt on numerous anti-psychotic pills. That apparently don't work!

Whatlarks ignores all the facts and tries to spin that because Skyler is a female that means she gets to get away with whatever psychotic monster she is, because Walt is a badass. Oooookay. However just because she has a vagina (and a slutty one at that) doesn't mean she isn't any less of a monster.

Skyler, in fact, is the show's biggest monster. I guess Vince Gilligan forgot to write her as a human which he failed miserably at, if he wants to keep insisting that she is the epitome of feminine sainthood. FFS. Ooops Vince Gilligan, you are quite the idiot when it comes to the opposite sex. Your female characters are simply shit. Anna Gunn was the perfect tool for this, though.

Whatlarks is now trolling IMDb to make sure to help cover his ass. Maybe Whatlarks is hoping to get attention from the show's writers? It's really pathetic that the moronic douchebag is spending its life thinking the writers are even interested in the numerous volumes of shit Whatlarks is posting on some internet board.

Whatlarks tries to claim it doesn't like Skyler but the constant jumping to her defense and constant ragging on Walt or anyone who dares dislike Skyler but likes Walt is subjected to the pseudo-intellectual bullshit that Whatlarks oozes with. Whatlarks hatred of Walt is very clear when you realize that this insane troll actually justifies a spouse wishing her husband were dead and calls him every name in the book while going off like a flying raged banshee when someone calls Skyler a "bitch". Which she is, btw.

4 signs of the pseudo-intellectual (pay attention because this is Whatlarks to a T!)

1. Quoting - Whatlarks pulls out old quotes at the drop of a pin and spins them to some twisted hyperbole.

2. Going against common thought without evidence - All the time, the majority of fans hate Skyler but Whatlarks just cannot accept it so naturally the fans are all psychos or misogynists or whatever word it can come up with.

3. Bringing up intellectualism in non-requistite situations - Not only that, but also copies what other fans say when called out on its shit, trying to copycat what someone says about Whatlarks' massive stupidity.

4. Unnecessary use of verbs and adjectives with 4 syllables or more - Wharlarks is Oswald Bates!

It's very clear to even passersby that Whatlarks is crazy, unhinged, and every bit of a control freak as its all time favorite named Skyler. Whom Whatlarks tries to claim it doesn't like Skyler!! REALLY?

So the endless defense of such a monster is just Whatlarks being bored.

And btw, if people were wondering if whatlarks claiming it knows about US Law while being completely ignorant of it, whatlarks is CANADIAN!
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