Monday, August 10, 2015

The Repetitious Troll

The mantras that are old, easy to spot, many, many people already put whatlarks on ignore because whatlarks is so easy to detect by the constant trolling method it always uses to fuck around on IMDb.

The same tired old bullshit the psycho uses over and over:

"You're getting emotional" usually right after or right before larks shows how emotionally unstable its-little-self is and goes on long 52-chapter rants. Mostly incoherent and full of spitting rage aimed at Walter and fans of his.

"I don't need the last word because I'm the best" while making sure to reply to every single post with novel-sized bullshit that ends up being a garbled mess of words that are strung together to make it sound intelligent when in reality larks just sounds like a pretentious bigoted cunt. Oh and let's not forget to point out the total arrogance! "I'm the best" yaddah yaddah, shut the fuck up, Larks.

"You don't have any argument" or "You haven't presented an argument" or "You haven't seen the show" when larks can't counter an argument and cannot debate with someone with reason and intelligence those are its responses or any variation of those. Then nobody will bother to argue with a troll like larks because there's no educating the troll. It's a lost cause trying to explain logic or reality to someone who thinks they have a law degree, uses sock accounts to lie about being a law student and lies about its status in society. Lark's a sick motherfucker who enjoys lying on the internet cause it has no life but an ego like a blimp. Larks has Good Year written across its side.

"You haven't watched the show properly!" or "You haven't watched with any attention" This has got to be the most asinine and laughably the big reveal on larks' control freakishness that exposes itself as the moronic tool it really is! It can be translated as "If you don't see the show the way I do, you simply didn't see it. You have to be like me, I have Vince Gilligan quotes at the ready!" Yes, if you didn't watch it from inside the swamp-filled mired mind of Whatlarks and get the same opinion of it that larkie has, then you obviously watched it wrong! LMAO! The old armchair psychologist playing know-it-all on the internet again and being such an obvious troll -- or maybe, scary as it may be, Whatlarks actually believes that its opinion is the only one that can exist! Oh the horrors if people aren't conforming to Larks! You can just see this pathetic loser sitting away up in some isolated little dump, being miserable and thinking its got life all figured out via a TV set.

"OMG you capitalized the word FACT! But there are no facts but mine" then you'll see Larks insert large volumes of nonsense where nothing is actually said but rather to make the other person see a huge wall of text and Larks towering over it with its ass defecating all over the place.

"Just because you stamp your feet doesn't mean it's true" The troll usually says this when what is said is actually true so its retort is a silly accusation about people using their feet on the internet.

"Your post doesn't support the show's main function" or "Your post doesn't support any evidence of (my) interpretation of the show" and "The reason is because it's without basis" or "You can't speak for yourself because you couldn't continue to debate with ME!" and finally after people rightfully abandon any serious discussion with the troll, it goes "You still haven't addressed the counterpoints made earlier" without the slightest inkling that there is no debating with a crazy person! As if Larks ever had any counterpoints. These lines are used by the troll so abundantly that you soon realize its posting from an already written out self-made bible of a deranged fanatic whose obsessive compulsion is to wage a Walt war with anyone who doesn't hate that character. It's even worse when Larks comes across anyone who hates Skyler instead! Then Larks pulls out all the socks, all the rage and all the anger you'd expect to see at a Westboro Baptist Church gathering. For hating Skyler, Larks will do some stalking with some obvious accounts and literally follow you to other boards and sites! You have been warned.

"I WILL NOT BE IGNORED!" usually larks words it like it isn't being ignored when it keeps replying to all those who are ignoring it! They can still see its username replying to them but acts like they are paying attention even if its name is mentioned so that people will know who the ignored troll is, when other normal users randomly mention it's a lowlife troll. Larks tries to turn it around like it isn't being ignored because it is all "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED!" but it is ignored, it's just the people larks harasses with its multiple posts and book sized comments that go nowhere can see it still trying to troll them. This blog is negative attention to Larks but, Larks will take that because it's better than no attention at all! Don't get too used to the attention, troll. Just passing by and being the arbiter.

Other words to looks out for that Whatlarks uses in every_damned_post_every_damned_time.








Other than the first two words, Larks knows all about those words. Larks will also copy anything you say to it, and try to reuse it on you. Larks is too Lazy to come up with its own comebacks.

Come on, Larks. Be honest with yourself. You're just not being honest with yourself. Dumbass. No matter how much you stomp your foot and demand that Walt is a monster to conveniently make excuses for Skyler being a monster, it just doesn't fly. We know that you've wished people dead, agree with the philosophy that if a woman wants someone killed that it's justified because she's a little fragile woman, and that you spend your pathetic life hating everything Walt (mainly his fans on message boards, endlessly pounding out your rage) so that you can feel better about how much of a monster you are.

Be honest with yourself.

Ah, Whatlarks doesn't get a clue, it doesn't get it and never will.

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