Friday, July 31, 2015

Trolls that post WAR & PEACE sized drivel

In this thread you can see whatlarks being a little weakling "dandelion" crying about having someone use its post to address the rest of the board...

Troll Rage Example 211

But the hypocrite that whatlarks is, is so blatant and striking in its ugly hypocrisy since whatlarks has done the very thing its screaming about in many threads!

Like this one!
Troll Scum Example 39

^^There people can see whatlarks has done just that! I see twice right off the bat in Nest!^^

Whatlarks' trolling of someone who just didn't like its favorite movie...

The Bully Just Oozes off Whatlarks

In this thread you can see the full troll rage in effect and whatlarks does this to many people, I can name some of them, but in the above thread you can see it. The stupid miserable troll even feels the need to claim its had the last word and the best word TWICE! March 31 and on April 9. It's a very desperate and wimpy troll. And it uses the SAME exact material as it has a very limited supply of comebacks. It uses long words trying to sound intelligent but it's an obvious mentally stunted troll with no debates skills. It also loses arguments very fast because it always resorts to name calling.

It seems maxtrixflower and sappheyer may be socks since all they ever do is hang out on ONE board and only venture out to praise whatlarks and pat it on the back. While attacking others for whatlarks. Very pathetic.


In this thread you can see whatlarks being a little weakling "dandelion" crying about having someone use its post to address the rest of the board...

Lame Troll Whatlarks

That person is RIGHT about whatlarks being a troll who does use strawmen and deflecting.


Systematic abuse done by a major scum fuck troll:
Pathetic Troll

Of course the troll has to take over threads and use its crap psuedo intellect to be a troll here too;
Troll Rage Example 198
Scroll down, you'll see the ugly troll pop up.


And there's whatlarks with its usual trolling and schoolyard bully name calling tactics.


Whatlarks still continues to troll and insult people. A very hateful a long winded troll.

Read further down, whatlarks is a vicious troll. Making statements and then denying them and then when called out, resorts to flaming someone and telling them they aren't a fan of the show, etc.

And there's Matrixflower making a fool of herself.


Example of larks being emotional AND trying to get attention. Shadowkiss does ignore the stupid cunt as her reply was to someone else. It's fair to warn others about a troll!

Someone uses the word "sport" and whatlarks automatically has a hissy fit. Talk about emotional.

OMG! Whatlarks uses the word "dude"! More of that emotional stuff no doubt over being called "sport".

Whatfarts in the boards and stinks them up? It's WHATLARKS the TROLL from RETARD ISLAND

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