Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Whatlarks is a Stalker!

Nice try using facebook, creep! We know you want to be Miz! Jealous bitch.



    ok so she's all giving this other user a lot of grief for having a much diff opinion about a movie. And even takes up bandwidth to post a constant string of "*" replies in the hopes that the user who ignored her will not ignore her. But it fails. So then WL goes and creates a whole call out thread about that user!

    I mean is it really that goddamned important? Why have such a flipping fit over someone's warning to the point that endless "*" replies and call out threads must be carried out? WL is really what some people have said about her:

    I mean why go after someone to that extent over a flipping stupid movie?
    There are other more pressing issues and someone's opinion who isn't even doing anything is like so wtf?

    1. Whatlarks is one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. She talks against zealotry but exhibits it on a daily basis. As per your examples you've shared!

      Whatlarks is sure a zealot when it comes to silencing anyone with a different opinion!

    2. The bitch is stalking some other girl on the site now. Someone who loves dogs and has an opinion about a stupid movie that isn't even worth the celluloid it's on. Whatlurks is going around saying some retarded shit about how people who lives animals cannot have relationships with other humans-WTF? Saying more insanity about how it takes more to raise a human than an animal. It costs more money maybe but the bond and relationship is NO different! Period. But that's just just whatlurks projecting again. She can't have any meaningful relationship with any human so she's jealous if a dog is getting more love than her repulsive self! That toxic, oppressive bitch should just go ahead and give that rifle a blow job!

    3. Whatlarks/lurks is an imbecile that deserves nothing but contempt. She's mocked everywhere she goes and she's too dense to see it.

  2. I wanted to chime in here because I used to talk with WL for a while back when that Matrixflower was really on an obsessive campaign to destroy another member.

    At the time I sympathized with a character that both WL and MF loved and whiteknighted for. MF even sent me pm's describing how she "razed DforDiamond" who is a troll, and how she successfully gotten him wiped before.
    Well he got wiped a second time and MF had already bragged to me about doing it before, so it stands to reason that it was her again. Instead she sucked up the this very troll that was very vile and crude and pretended to be sympathetic to him all over the place while she planted the poison lies she has a lifetime of practice in doing.

    WL, eh, I don't know if she ever had much to do with whatever MF was doing but it all seems very likely that MF will cling to anyone who can help further her psychotic games. WL just seems like a tightwad. MF is the real danger. She bragged to me in pm and I quote "I razed DforD before" and then when he got wiped again for being such a vile troll, she managed to make an innocent person take the fall. Someone who never even fought with him before but that he started to attack and everyone was scratching their heads at that one. Yeah it was MF behind all of that.

    I can't remember who it was, but it was someone she wanted destroyed. She has even sent me pm's that she actually ran the Breaking Bad boards and that what she wants, she gets.
    Very disturbing.

    Looking in on the boards now, I see that she pops up at weird times as if it is really a sock. MF is very disturbed and insane. She attacked me for no reason just because I told her that I was no longer interested in battling the trolls there.
    She then started spreading rumors that I was the person she was actively stalking! Yes you heard right! She actually STALKED another person that she hated so much over there and then focused on me!

    Reason: because that person was not being suckered into her games. I think it was misfitz or maybe a friend of his/hers. I don't know which one. But MF stalked that person and I stayed away because of that.
    I didn't want any part of that regardless of the differences of opinions I had with them.
    But MF is obsessed that anyone could be so polar opposite as her. She is scary. The need to control people, much like WL is too.
    Then when MF attacked me, I knew that she was off her rocker and that this was serious and to get away asap!

    Thanks for listening
